Single European Sky
A group of 21 EU aviation and workers associations has signed a joint declaration committing to a set of concrete actions to fully implement the vision of a Single European Sky.
The Single European Sky is a European Commission initiative, established in 2000 and adopted in 2008, which sets out to reform air traffic control systems (ATC) across the continent. Proponents argue that moving ATC away from national boundaries and towards the use of 'functional airspace blocks' will maximise efficiency and ultimately be of benefit to airline companies and passengers.
The joint declaration essentially calls on the institutions and member states of the European Union, to take the necessary steps in order to implement Single European Sky ideals, arguing that this can only be achieved through collaboration and coordination by all stakeholders.
With global passenger traffic set to double by 2037, juggling ways in which to accommodate this growth, whilst at the same time addressing social and environmental impacts is key. The Single European Sky is an effective way to address European aviation environmental challenges by delivering an efficient and integrated air traffic management system. It will require the introduction of new technologies, interoperability of systems, harmonised regulation and adequate infrastructure.
A statement by ASD, a body representing European Aeronautics, Space, Defence and Security Industries said: "Europe and its citizens deserve an efficient and sustainable airspace, and we hope that the full implementation of the SES vision will lead to these much-needed improvements."
The secretary-general of the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) said: “We are happy that the joint declaration…aims all noses in the same direction: delivering the efficient and sustainable European airspace we all deserve. The future air traffic management (ATM) system should be inclusive, because one size does not fit all.”
The 21 signatories of the joint declaration are A6 Alliance, A4 Airline Grouping, A4E, AIRE, ACI EUROPE, ASD, ATCEUC, Borealis Alliance, B4, CANSO, COOPANS, Drone Alliance Europe, EBAA, EHA, ERA, Gate One, IATA, IFATCA, IFATSEA and IAOPA.
Read the full text of the joint declaration "Future of the Single European Sky (SES)".
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