Samson, a major developer of high-performance synthetic rope solutions and commercial marine applications, has announced that it has received the Type Approval Certificate for fibre ropes intended for permanent mooring applications covered by POSA JETTY notation for its newest high-performance synthetic line, EverSteel-X, from Bureau Veritas (BV).
BV’s POSA framework qualifies the rope for permanent mooring at a jetty, making EverSteel-X the first and only high-performance synthetic rope to achieve this designation. The testing requirements for this certification are extensive. Features such as break strength, fatigue characteristics, performance at elevated temperatures, and dynamic stiffness are all tested to verify the rope conforms to specifications and to provide confidence that the product is fit for the intended operational environment.
The extensive testing ensures that EverSteel-X complies to Samson’s stated specifications and delivers a comprehensive tension fatigue model for high-modulus synthetic fibre (HMSF) mooring lines. It provides ship designers confidence that they are using the best information possible to select a product for their permanent mooring operation, by accounting for and testing against all environmental and operational considerations for the application.
The approval highlights Samson’s unified understanding of permanent mooring considerations for HMSF mooring lines. It also allows operators the to use HMSF ropes when POSA notation is required for their project – providing all the benefits of HMSF ropes, plus the quality assurance of Samson and 3rd party assurance that the product will meet the requirements.
The statement from BV said: “Bureau Veritas appreciated the proactive behaviour of Samson during the process of certification of EverSteel-X for permanent jetty mooring applications: at a time where no dedicated standards were yet published, Samson approached BV with its own methodology and testing program for the qualification of their model of rope."
"This methodology was accepted by Bureau Veritas as it took into account an extensive testing program, especially regarding the tension fatigue behaviour of EverSteel-X in straight pull or angled configurations. Through the completion of this complete testing program and the technical discussions that followed, Samson showed a real commitment in demonstrating not only compliance of their product to the considered standards, but also the high mechanical and physical properties of EverSteel-X rope."
"Bureau Veritas was confident to provide Samson with the first ever BV Type Approval Certificate for fibre ropes intended for permanent jetty mooring applications. This certificate will enable ship designers to use Samson’s Eversteel-X in the scope of BV notation for the classification of permanent jetty mooring systems (POSA JETTY).”
EverSteel-X provides shipowners with numerous benefits – it’s longer-lasting, has enhanced reliability, and is an enabling technology for permanent installations. The enhanced coating, optimised construction, and fibre utilised , all work together to deliver these benefits.
EverSteel-X’s superior fatigue properties and wear resistance allow for longer life than other lines in typical use, and its fatigue improvements provide extra insurance in extreme conditions – be it higher loads or higher temperatures.
In addition, the coating provides superior abrasion resistance as well as UV resistance. EverSteel-X allows for twist identification to simplify deployments and inspections and features an optimised construction which balances strength and endurance for long-term and permanent mooring applications.
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