The robot race is well and truly underway, with economies increasingly adopting the latest automated technologies to drive efficiencies and lower their costs. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution gathers pace, China, Japan, South Korea, the US and Germany have dominated uptake with 73% of total global sales volume in terms of industrial robotics.

Source: Pixabay
Primarily defined by its wider proliferation of SMEs and smaller-scale adoption of automated processes and restrictions from lack of government incentives, the UK has found itself falling behind in terms of adoption of these technologies and the use of simulation software.
With this in mind, what benefits can come from increased automation in the manufacturing process for UK businesses, and what measures are being put in place to incentivise UK-based organisations?
A trial-and-error approach
Employing robots in the manufacturing process is no doubt a complex process; they need to be programmed on how to behave on the shop floor, and careful pathway planning is required to achieve it. Lack of specialist skills among UK businesses has created an understandably significant level of hesitation when it comes to tackling robotics as a result. Devising the robot’s reach, joint limits and any potential collisions is also a fraught process and can be costly if done incorrectly. For example, something as simple as a robot with insufficient reach from an inaccurate CAD design could be enough to be a very expensive mistake if made in a real environment.
Robust 3D manufacturing simulation software is capable of simulating robotic movements and how they interact with humans, equipment and other machines around them. By having visibility of any potential collisions or limitations through testing in a simulated environment, manufacturers can undertake a trial-and-error approach to robotics integration. The transparency provided by the software therefore supports de-risking of capital spending, which can be an expensive outlay for the business. As many mistakes can be made in the virtual environment as needed, saving time and frustration for employees.
Too many assumptions and educated guesses that can come from not using simulation software can hinder the justification of an upcoming project. By being able to import CAD designs into a robust 3D simulation software, critical information can be better understood, such as production volumes, throughput, cycle times and defects.
Prioritising productivity and achieving cost avoidance
Making use of a risk-free virtual environment however is no use without realism and high-quality replication of a real environment, with businesses potentially previously hesitant to adopt simulation software due to concerns about the accuracy of current solutions. The realism offered by cutting-edge simulation software means that it’s not just possible for manufacturers to simulate how and where robotics and automation should be applied, but can also provide valuable insight to current setups and dictate where they can be best utilised.
Conventional solutions have also struggled to integrate effectively with varying robot brands and be able to post-process code, where output statements are translated from the simulation to a target robot controller and its language. A cutting-edge and robust piece of software can tackle this task with ease. It’s important to remember also that simulation can be applied to the entire end-to-end manufacturing environment, whether it’s the manufacturing process, assembly process or packaging.
Manufacturers understandably prioritise the objective of reducing costs in the manufacturing environment but may be hesitant to heavily invest in robotics and simulation software due to the upfront investment required. The long-term ROI of investing in the software however can allow for detailed planning in the integration of robotics and the ability to avoid expenditure that can rack up to millions of pounds if not accounted for. The key here is not just cost reduction, but awareness and the ability to avoid a hefty and unnecessary cost altogether.
External incentives
While the benefits of utilising simulation software are clear, external factors have had their part to play in slowing adoption in the UK, but it’s increasingly the case that new initiatives are helping to turn the tide. The UK government has recently introduced the super-deduction capital allowance, which allows UK manufacturers to claim a 130% deduction on qualifying plant and machinery investments, with a further 50% first-year allowance for qualifying special rate assets. Additionally, various tax reliefs are now being made available for Research and Development projects for UK businesses.
As the global robot race accelerates, keeping pace with the leaders will become even more crucial in the coming years. Emerging incentives provide UK manufacturers with the nudge to adopt automation and utilise simulation software more widely in their processes, ultimately easing the initial outlay on the technology and competing on a global scale. By then being able to learn from mistakes in a virtual blank canvas, manufacturers can apply this knowledge in the real environment and benefit from unprecedented levels of efficiency, increased productivity and the ability to avoid costs that could otherwise impact the long-term viability of the business.
- The author, Steve Morris, is Country Manager (UK & Ireland) at Visual Components.
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