Active Silicon is pleased to announce the launch of its newest addition to the Harrier range – the Harrier SDI Adapter.
This is a single channel host-end acquisition solution for 3G and HD-SDI video streams. The interface is designed to work with a variety of cameras to capture high-definition images and transfer these at extremely high speed in challenging environments.

Harrier SDI Adapter
BlueBird SDI Adapter. Image: Active Silicon
Technical details
The video input signal is supplied via the BNC connector, or over twisted pair via the RJ45 connector. Three parallel video outputs are provided: 3G-SDI/HD-SDI output (via BNC), HDMI output, and streaming USB Video Class (UVC) v1.1 (via SuperSpeed USB Type-C connector). Remote camera control is enabled by connecting a PC to the adapter via the SuperSpeed USB port or the USB Micro-B port. A single standard Cat5 Ethernet cable, connected between the adapter RJ45 port and the camera, can carry both RS-485 communications and video data.
The adapter is available as a board or fitted into a rugged enclosure for use as a standalone unit. When enclosed, it measures just 127mm x 86mm x 31mm.
As well as standard 3G and HD-SDI streams, the Harrier SDI Adapter automatically decodes HD-VLC™ encoded video streams - a technology supported by Active Silicon’s Harrier Camera Interface Boards fitted to a Tamron or Sony block camera. This end-to-end HD-VLC™ solution enables the use of longer cable lengths and multiple slip rings extending camera capability for challenging applications such as pipe inspection, robotics and remote vision in general.
Advance samples of the Harrier SDI Adapter are available to key customers today, with volume production scheduled for Q3 this year.
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