From small businesses to globe-straddling corporations, webinars are a superb way to get a company’s name out there. And since the global lockdown, this has become even truer than ever.

53rd ADB Annual Meeting: ADB Webinar. Credit: Asian Development Bank
53rd ADB Annual Meeting: ADB Webinar. Credit: Asian Development Bank / Flickr
If you and your business aren’t already leveraging the benefits of webinars to push growth, then there has never been a better time with much of the world still working remotely.
A webinar put simply, is an online seminar – essentially any event attended by a virtual audience. Simultaneously professional, yet engaging and even creative, webinars can give a business a unique way to showcase and demonstrate its products and services, provide thought leadership, or to nurture leads.
Here, we take a look at some of the benefits your business can enjoy through webinar hosting.
Boost brand awareness
Building brand identity can take a lot of time, money, and resources. Webinars present an opportunity to enhance your brand, to which attendees will be exposed repeatedly. If your presentations and content are informative and well-designed, audience members have a strong chance of remembering your brand after repeated but subtle exposure.
Reach a wider audience
At a trade show, being in the room is vital. However, with webinars, you can reach potential customers globally. You could be based in London and have webinar attendees from Beijing to Berlin to Boston. All they need is an internet connection. If you can make the time differences work, then the whole world is your oyster.
Generate new, quality leads
Generating new, quality leads is essential for any business to thrive, however finding them is not always easy.
During your webinar’s signing up process, attendee details such as names, email addresses and phone numbers can be collected. Anyone who registers for the event becomes a potential lead simply by virtue of having expressed interest in the subject of your webinar and your business’ activities.
A well-constructed webinar gives you the chance to educate your target audience about how your product can help them, as well as building a relationship with them.
On top of this, through Q&A sessions, online polls and live chat, attendees can provide more information, giving you a non-intrusive method of collecting leads and making sales contacts.
Position yourself as an expert in your field & boost your authority and influence
Through hosting webinars, your company can position itself as a thought leader in your sector, though to build the authority to back that up, you must provide genuine insights for the audience.
It gives you a chance to bring solutions to customer’s problems by educating them about your product and how it can help. If the audience comes away having found value in what you have brought, they will probably view you as an authority in your business space, which goes a long way.
New brands especially which do not yet have a large audience base can attract more people to their webinars by inviting well-known experts in your field. The biggest benefit of this is that you are able to piggyback on their reputation, thus giving your influence and authority a nice boost.
Your expert’s followers will also be attracted to the webinar, providing you with some more of those all-important leads.
Save money and earn more revenue
The joy of webinars is that no physical space is necessary. You don’t need to hire out conference rooms and in terms of logistics, a webinar is much easier to organise that a live event.
What’s more, no money needs to be spent on hotels, refreshments or other facilities. Just make sure you have a stable internet connection.
Free webinars are great for bringing in a large virtual crowd, though a paid format may be your preferred choice. If your business is already somewhat established, paid webinars can provide another revenue stream.
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