Photo by Kelly L
Following two years successful operation of the 15,300 m2 solar field delivered in 2016, Savosolar has delivered an extension of 4,835 m2, making the Jelling solar thermal plant the second largest Savosolar plant, totalling 20,135 m2. The extension solar field started-up in April 2019 and following a successful operational test period, the solar thermal plant has now been handed over to Jelling Varmeværk.
The solar fraction in Jelling district heating system is expected to exceed 100% of daily heat demand during periods of the summer season, which is covered by using the heat storages and the dry cooler, now also being part of the Jelling district heating system. This illustrates that the value of the added solar thermal heat in spring and autumn is higher than the costs of balancing the solar heat production when there is more heat than is needed (even exceeding the heat storage capacity), as well as the capital costs for the added capacity. The yearly solar fraction is expected to exceed 25%.
Jari Varjotie, CEO of Savosolar: "We are extremely proud of this significant delivery. Delivering the second solar thermal plant to a client is a good indication of a satisfied customer. Jelling Varmeværk will, with this extension increase the solar fraction in their heat production to even higher levels. Now also Jelling solar plant exceeds in size 20,000 m2, demonstrating that Savosolar large scale solutions are feasible for utilities everywhere."
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