Water treatment plant in Wilhelmshaven
Water treatment plant in Wilhelmshaven
Germany has long been renowned as a leader in wastewater management – and it’s easy see why. Its system doesn’t just sanitise and keep water clean; it ensures minimum waste, benefiting individuals and households alike. And unsurprisingly, it’s helping companies to keep industrial waste down.
With this in mind, we explore the country’s wastewater management in full, as well as its perks for businesses.
How the system works
Germany manages its wastewater much like other developed countries do: it collects liquid materials in a system, which are then discharged into treatment facilities. These facilities treat just under 11 billion cubic metres of wastewater every year, 98% of which goes through a biological treatment process that involves targeted elimination. The remaining water undergoes either this with nutrient removal or solely mechanical treatment.
However, what makes its system unique is that it’s built for ultimate efficiency. The technology behind it is advanced – and its engineers only use the finest materials, from tanks to float switches (fluid level regulators). Comprising tools and fabrics from expert suppliers, including RS Components, the German wastewater system is arguably impeccable.
What it does for Germany
When it comes to environmental protection, Germany already has an excellent reputation. Its commitment to lowering single-plastic usage, for example, is highly admirable. But it’s the country’s water waste management system that has arguably reaped the most positive outcome for the planet and its people. True, most nations boast a waste management process designed to reduce how much waste is released into the environment. The German management system, however, goes one step further – and this is largely down to the aforementioned specialist equipment that its systems use. With a hugely effective wastewater management process, Germany is likely to maintain its title as a global environmental leader.
How it benefits businesses
So, what exactly does wastewater management have to do with German businesses? A great deal, as it turns out. As you may already, water that comes from homes tends to be easier to recycle than that from industries. Water used by restaurants, for example, is notoriously difficult to recycle. This is because typically, it holds more organic materials – like oil – than water used within homes. Luckily, Germany’s wastewater management system has been designed to efficiently handle all types of used water.
And so, German business owners don’t have to worry about their company’s environmental effect. As the safe treatment and recycling of their water is guaranteed, they can declare their liquid waste management to be environmentally beneficial.
While its title may not suggest it, wastewater management is fairly simple – so long as it’s expertly-engineered. Germany’s management system is exceptional in both performance and design, which of course brings advantages for the country, the planet and its people.
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