Photovoltaic system generates 40 percent of the electricity required at the Altenrhein facility / Additional solar installations cover as much as one-tenth of the electricity consumed by logistics terminals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Gebrüder Weiss is increasing regenerative sources to supply energy to its logistics terminals. In October this year, the international transport and logistics company commissioned its latest photovoltaic (PV) system at its Swiss location in Altenrhein. The system has an installed capacity of 270 kW peak, saving 20 tons of CO2 annually. For comparison: this output could supply nearly 55 single-family homes with electricity.
“The roof of the logistics center is ideal for generating solar power. The new PV installation enables us to meet around 40 percent of the location’s electricity needs,” says Oskar Kramer, Country Manager Switzerland at Gebrüder Weiss. There are already plans to expand the system next year, as well as to build a PV installation at the Basel location.
The latest expansion brings Gebrüder Weiss one step closer to meeting its environmental target of achieving carbon neutrality for its logistics facilities by 2030. Where technically feasible, the logistics company is gradually switching how it generates electricity in its facilities to solar power. By now, solar power systems are a standard feature of new buildings. Twenty-one such PV installations are already in service at multiple locations in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, saving 1,100 tons of CO2 annually. These existing installations currently cover ten percent of its total electricity requirements in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Read the current Sustainability Report for further information on Gebrüder Weiss’ activities: