Whether you are big or small, every company has a library of content that is used to market products and services. These documents include the standard regulations for the logos, graphics, phrases, and colours that are associated with the brand. With these guidelines and regulations for branding, employees and customers have a better understanding of how to contextualise the brand at large.
Unfortunately, this library of content will continue to grow with time. Although new branding is helpful, it can quickly get convoluted or confusing. In this article, we will share five ways to streamline corporate content libraries.
5 Ways to Streamline Your Corporate Content Library
Source: Unsplash
Utilise Metadata
Metadata is a source of information that gives you guidelines for finding more detailed pieces of content. In some instances, this data gives background context for a subset of information. In other instances, metadata helps inform you of how to find the content that you are looking for. By creating an informative structure for metadata, your employees and customers will easily be able to find what they are looking for. You can change metadata on photos and files.
Use a Segmented Platform
In order to manage content, it is important to use a comprehensive platform that can be segmented in many different ways. When all the files are stored in a single platform, you will have access to everything you need. Although this will be useful, you must have a nomenclature structure that allows the platform to be intuitive to navigate. When you use the right platform, you will have the ability to store processes, colour schemes, images, guidelines, and files at varying levels of security.
Document the Process
When your documents are difficult to manage, it will be a challenge to onboard new employees. When you have a streamlined process for securing information, a new employee will be able to easily catch on to the rhythm and flow of their position. Not only should all processes for tasks be documented and stored in the content library, but you should also keep thorough documentation regarding the structure of your database. This information will act as a “table of contents” that explains to employees how they can find different pieces of information easily.
Flow Through One Gatekeeper
Many companies get messy because there are too many people contributing and editing the structure of the database. In order to streamline the library of content, it is important that there is one gatekeeper that is responsible for entering and deleting all relevant files. This person can help ensure that the files stay organised and the platform remains easy to navigate.
Use Accurate Descriptions
The nomenclature used in a database is critical for its organisation. Provide a structure for naming files so that they accurately describe the information being depicted.
Whether you are a one-man-show or a Fortune 500 company, storing files can easily get complicated. With so many different avenues of a business including financial data, marketing content, client notes, and human resources documents, platforms can easily get cluttered. In order to ensure that everyone can easily find the information they are looking for, it is important to add guidelines and structure to the content library. By doing this, employees can work more efficiently and customers will have easier access to the information they are seeking.
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