Innovation has always been part of the history of MAGNESIA GmbH in Lüneburg: When the salt business was no longer profitable, Wolfgang Bornmann, managing director of the long-established Saline Lüneburg, founded MAGNESIA GmbH in 1983 with the aim of continuing the trading business with minerals – today the Lüneburg-based company is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

Lüneburg, October 1st , 2023 – For more than a thousand years, the Lüneburg salt works shaped the history of the city. The extracted salt made Lüneburg one of the richest cities of the Middle Ages. When this chapter closed with the end of salt production in 1980, the pages of a new book opened: in 1983, Wolfgang Bornmann, one of the last managing directors of the salt works, founded MAGNESIA GmbH. 70 employees, nearly 20,000 tons annual trade volume and customers in more than 90 countries, make the distribution company an important employer for the region today. Growth, internationalization, digitalization, the focus on sustainability, the compatibility of family and career as well as an awareness of diversity and social commitment shape the mission statement. MAGNESIA has thus developed into an important supplier of mineral products for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and technical industries worldwide.
From vitamins and minerals to lightweight fillers
The customers are companies from the fields of food and nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical and technical-industrial production as well as cosmetics. For them, the Lüneburg-based company is not only a distributor for, among other things, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, as well as selected vitamins, mineral yeasts and lightweight fillers with a great competence in providing individual services. The company is also a specialist for customers in need of minerals with special for product properties and requirements. MAGNESIA has branded products such as MagGran®, granulates of various mineral compounds for nutritional supplement production, ingredients especially for natural cosmetics such as sea salt and red algae powder, or MagSpheres®, so-called lightweight fillers for technical-industrial applications, as well as mineral compounds as raw materials, excipients and active ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.
More than just a distributor for minerals
Individual advice from experienced sales experts. Guaranteeing product quality through qualification of suppliers. Consistent compliance with the company's own quality standards according to IFS, ISO 9001 as well as HACCP. Regular quality monitoring of the products. The preparation of certificates of analysis and product specifications. Warehousing, commissioning and organization of international logistics and seamless document management make MAGNESIA GmbH a strong partner that is much more than just a mineral distributor.
Responsibly into the future
As an international distributor of mineral raw materials, MAGNESIA is aware of its responsibility towards employees, business partners, society and the environment. The company harmonizes economic, ecological and social aspects and applies sustainable and responsible action as a benchmark for cooperation with its business partners. In order to live up to this claim, MAGNESIA has undertaken on its own initiative to already take into account a large part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, both internally and along the supply chain, and to comply with them to the greatest possible extent. The company has integrated action in accordance with these sustainability goals into its corporate strategy. Hence, MAGNESIA tracks its current and potential as well as positive and negative effects of corporate action along the value chain.
"We are aware of our responsibility and want to do our part to shape a sustainable future," says Johann Studtmann, Managing Director at MAGNESIA. "That's why we decided to take this step and will continue to engage in sustainability and responsible action in the future."
MAGNESIA is thus opening a new chapter in its history and sending a strong signal to the industry. The Lüneburg-based company shows that sustainable management can not only be a moral obligation, but also an economic success factor.
About the history: