World Class Digital Transformation Industrial Edition 2023
11th - 12th May 2023
Leonardo Hotel Frankfurt City South Isenburger Schneise 40, 60528 Frankfurt, Germany

World Connected
Don't miss the opportunity to join a B2B conference that focuses on the challenges and changes brought about by the industrial digital transformation. Meet like-minded experts and industry peers from top companies such as Osram, MTU Aero Engines, Coca-Cola, Johnson Electric, Dow, UCT, ZEISS Group, Heijmans, Deutsche Bahn, Nokia, Bayer, STMicroelectronics, and many more.
At the World Class Digital Transformation Industrial Edition 2023, taking place on the 11th & 12th of May at the Leonardo Conference Hotel in Frankfurt, you'll have the chance to participate in 20 carefully selected best practice presentations covering the topics of smart manufacturing, how to improve operational efficiencies and optimize all areas of your business.
The complete Agena can be found here: World Class Digital Transformation Industrial Edition 2023

What makes the World Class Series different from other events?
- Lots of learnings thanks to 80% best practice reports and 20% solution partner presentations
- 2 days of C-level quality by top speakers of different company sizes
- A diverse selection of topics and the possibility to participate via live stream
Round Table:
- 45-minute exchange for a deep look into the speaker cases
- Decision-makers exchange crucial knowledge for their projects
- Interactive communication with workshop character
Think Tank:
- Preview of the list of participants with a personal business profile
- Presentations as video and PDF
- Communication before, during and after the event
- Access to all videos and PDF presentations of the speakers of all events
- Access to World Class Unlimited for 12 months
- Exclusive selection of over 500 business videos

For more information, visit our homepage: World Class Digital Transformation Industrial Edition 2023
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