Break Down Silos to Solve Your Company’s Top Challenges and Drive Greater Profitability This Year


TBM Consulting Group Europe’s Managing Director of Operations, Robert Vrugtman, dives beneath the surface of manufacturing challenges to better explain how they evolve, how workplace silos exacerbate the issues, and how good operations process controls can help resolve and prevent one your biggest operational headaches.

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Your Biggest Challenge Runs Deeper Than You Think 

In a recent LinkedIn survey by TBM Consulting Group Europe, 50 European manufacturers responded to the “single biggest challenge” question by highlighting sourcing as the most common culprit, followed by organizational capabilities, sales, and manufacturing performance/productivity. 

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While a manufacturer’s most acute pain point usually manifests around one specific area, it almost always is a symptom of a much deeper organization-wide issue. However, business leaders cannot see or solve the widespread issue due to the multitude of barriers and complexities hampering their resolve.

The real challenge lies in the silo conundrum.

Sales, procurement, and manufacturing typically operate autonomously within their own reporting structures. They tend to communicate, interact, and exchange only through conditionality. Leaders fail to coordinate efforts beyond their own domains, synergize, and reflect on the bigger picture, which often fosters a blaming culture.

As a real-world example, a major gas company was experiencing what it believed to be a performance problem on its oil platforms. During a typical nine-hour shift, the company was recording only two hours of hands-on tool time per employee. But the root cause of the inefficiency was not the lack of capacity, training, motivation, or non-engagement. Instead, it lay in communication and the failure to plan accordingly and align the various functions to ensure the right people with the right skillsets were made available in the right business context at the right time. By diagnosing the misalignment and addressing the underlying issues, the company was able to more than double hands-on tool time, saving billions in contractual and logistical costs.

Establish cross-functional operational process controls to cut across silos. 

Operational process controls provide formalized structure for cross departmental communication and sharing data-driven information that aligns the entire organization, establishes accountability channels, and ensures business area optimization. Ultimately, good operational process controls promote Precision of Execution within the organization. 

Here’s how to quicky integrate operational process controls and start driving net profits within a year:  

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Be your best as an organization, not just a department.

Whether you think sourcing, sales, manufacturing, or organizational capabilities is your biggest challenge, the real problem is the barriers between departments and functions. A siloed approach will continue to hamstring your business and unnecessarily increase costs, whilst preventing the performance gains you need to remain competitive. Make 2023 the year you commit to putting operational process controls in place and unifying all areas of your organization around shared success.

Click here to read the full version of this article 

Credit: TBM

About TBM Consulting Group 

TBM Consulting Group is a global operations and supply chain consulting firm committed to driving rapid performance gains. Contact us  today to start a conversation about operational speed and how to achieve your goals faster.

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